Orthodontics for Teen in Calgary

Orthodontics for Teen Near You

Undergoing orthodontic work while in your teens is often considered a stepping stone on the road towards growing up. Though there’s no set age to receive treatment, most people typically get started with the process between the ages of 12 and 16. However, it depends on your personal growth and the state of your oral health.

To get started with the journey, or to gather more information before you do so, talk to your orthodontist in Calgary today. They will be able to refer you to an orthodontist who can answer all your questions and address any hesitancies that you have.

orthodontics for teens near you

Treatment for Teens 101

What does orthodontic treatment entail?

As a specialization within the branch of dentistry, orthodontics prioritizes straightening your smile and repairing your jaw and therefore, your bite pattern. Orthodontists receive an additional three years of education following their undergraduate and post-graduate training compared to general orthodontists. They possess the knowledge base and skill to diagnose dental issues and help you prevent and treat them by administering braces.

There are a few different types of braces that you can receive, depending on the degree of changes that you need.

Before anything can happen, however, you’ll need to attend a consultation so your orthodontist for teens in Calgary can assess the state of your teeth and gums and take x-rays to better understand your health.

What are the types of braces available?

There are four main types of braces that you can receive, and they are:

  • Traditional braces.

Traditional braces are made of metal and make use of brackets, arch wires, and elastics to exert pressure on your smile and encourage your teeth to shift into a better position. In the past, this has been the most common form of orthodontic treatment. Metal braces are durable and boast a high success rate.

  • Ceramic braces.

These braces are essentially the same as metal braces but instead of stainless steel, ceramic is used. Your braces will blend in with your natural smile more, helping you feel less anxious and self-conscious about receiving treatment.

  • Lingual braces.

Again, this form of treatment is very similar to traditional braces. With that said, the bracket and archwires are placed on the back of your teeth.

  • Clear aligner therapy.

Clear aligner therapy utilizes customized plastic trays to repair your smile. Every few weeks, you’ll receive a new set of trays which ensures that your progress is continual. The trays will feel tight on your smile; this pressure stimulates bone movement, and your teeth will eventually shift to where they need to be.

Your orthodontist for teens near you will be able to identify the best type of braces for your unique case. Schedule an appointment to learn more.

Can I still eat with braces?

Of course, you can! Depending on the type of device you receive, it may take a few days for your mouth to adjust. Consuming soft things like yogurt, oatmeal, soup, and milkshakes will help with this.

How long does the treatment last?

Again, it is dependent on your individual dental situation. Usually, orthodontic treatment can last between 12 to 18 months; more complex cases may require up to 2 years.

Here at Symmetry Orthodontics Calgary, if you’re seeking reliable dental care for your teen, we’ve got you covered! Our staff is standing by to talk with you and your family about moving forward and obtaining the smile of your dreams. Phone, go to our website, or drop by our clinic in person to set up an appointment whenever it works best.


The best age to visit an orthodontist will differ for everyone. Generally, though, most patients undergo this form of dental treatment when they’re teenagers. But of course, it depends on the current state of your oral health and what your orthodontist recommends. Some patients may receive treatment during childhood, others when they’re adults.

Multiple benefits come with getting orthodontic treatment as a teen, such as:

  • Addressing overcrowding.
  • Improving bite issues; this also makes it easier to eat.
  • Prevents functional issues in the future.
  • Prevents wear and tear on your smile.
  • Boosts self-confidence.
  • Boosts oral and overall health.

Metal, lingual, and ceramic braces are available for patients who are looking to remedy their smiles. Clear aligner therapy is a viable alternative as well if you’d prefer for your treatment to be more subtle.

The length of treatment depends on the degree of changes that a patient’s smile requires. Some may only need to wear braces or aligners for a few months to a year, and some may need to wear them for a significantly longer period such as up to 2 years. Your orthodontist will be able to provide you with a more detailed outline when you come in for an appointment.

No! If anything, you may experience a bit of discomfort, especially during the first few days of your treatment journey. But you will quickly get used to wearing your braces or aligners and won’t have to worry.

If pain or bleeding does occur, don’t hesitate to contact your orthodontist.

Typically, dental insurance does not cover orthodontic treatment, so you will most likely have to pay out of pocket. Talk to your orthodontic provider for more details. They’ll be able to assist you with any paperwork and help you set up a monthly plan that works with your personal budget.